How to go Plant Based?


The million dollar question…. How can I go plant based? As we go into this new year with my first tip of the decade, I’m excited to help answer the question and kick off your plant based journey!

Whether you are going cold turkey or want to slowly add more plants into your lifestyle, there are a few tips that can get you moving in the right direction. I can’t say it enough, you must first realize eating more plants is not a new way of eating but rather a new way of THINKING. I love to assist people in feeling free to find ways to maneuver through their personal eating habits so they are not solely relying on other people’s recipes for success. Recipes are a good start and a great guide but… What happens when you run out of web searches or WIFI? Let’s stop thinking we can’t survive unless someone provides us with a recipe . This will help us maintain the power in our own lives and in our own personal journey. Let’s become empowered and be the change we want to see without the excuses. Below I have shared some ways that have worked for me along the way. It is my hope that these tips assist you in getting your wheels turning on your own personal food choices and goals.

8 TIPS on Transitioning to a Plant Based Lifestyle 

  1. Mentally prepare yourself. Understand that the hardest part is the MENTAL adjustment. If you can accept it mentally, then you can physically make the shift. This was the hardest part for me. It’s a real “paradigm shift” that must happen first.

  2. Assess how you really eat! Literally write down the foods you and your family like and dislike. This may sound pretty daunting, but I personally noticed when I get it out of my head it allows me to see the reality of what we are actually consuming.

    [Example: Write out both you and your family’s favorite meals. A large portion of your eating may already be plant based and you don’t even realize it.]

  3. Being plant based doesn’t mean removing FLAVOR it’s just removing the meat, dairy and eggs. Eat the same things, just be creative with changing the ingredients. The majority of spices and seasonings are made of plants, which make them naturally plant based. Replace animal products with veggies, beans, nuts & sometimes mock meats, (I believe in balance so I try not to go heavy in the area of processed foods and mock meats- However, they do serve as a great transition for those who feel they need it).

  4. Plan meals. Don’t wing it. This is very important in the beginning. When people get to the point of hunger/hangry, that’s when they say “F it” and we don’t want that.

  5. Get familiar with vegan friendly/plant based restaurants in your area... even the ones that aren’t 100% vegan. Look at “vegan options”. Many of the side dishes are a great option for the main entree replacement and always ask what menu items can be converted to vegan… I promise you will be surprised! Don’t be afraid to ask about the ingredients in a dish and never assume. In the beginning, I found myself feeling sick as a result of assuming it was vegan because I didn’t think that particular meal, drink or product had any animal products in it. Something as simple as coffee flavorings and soups can be made with animal products. I started asking if a soup was made with chicken, beef or vegetable broth. Was it cooked in oil or butter? I also started asking the same questions for dishes as simple as oatmeal because it could have been made with a dairy milk verses water. Keep in mind, once you rid your body of these ingredients you can upset your system when you add them back intentionally or unintentionally.

  6. Download or Google search many vegan friendly restaurants in your location. Happy Cow is an app that supplies plant based/vegan options Domestic and Internationally. When you are traveling, make a list of nearby natural markets and vegan restaurants in advance to avoid getting frustrated.

  7. Read labels! Many ingredients like; milk, eggs, eggs whites, whey, gelatin and casein sneak their way into many products. Some companies incorporate certain ingredients by utilizing waste from other products as fillers. In addition, don’t always look for the “Vegan Verified” as some products are naturally vegan.

  8. Take one step at a time unless you are one of those super disciplined people that can go cold turkey and switch overnight. As for us normal people, allow yourself forgiveness if you fall off. Just get back up and continue. Count your wins not losses.

These are JUST tips that I found helpful. If you have your own tips and hacks please continue on your quest for what works best for you. Overall, once you are smooth sailing on your journey you will realize the many benefits a plant based lifestyle will bring to you and your loved ones.

Charity Morgan