As you pass through the produce aisle and see all those beautiful fall pumpkin, squash and gourds. Many are intimidated by these beauties. I love combining them to make a delicious medley of roasted vegetable that are complimented with sweet, tangy and crunchy ingredients that are elevated enough for a holiday side or a weekday meal. With any leftover, try adding on top of fresh mixed greens or steamed grains for a lunch bowl. Oh and don’t fret about the other halves of your fall beauties, as of course we won’t waste those, look out for my Thai Pumpkin Soup to follow. 


*1/2 butternut squash (peeled and diced into small 1/2-inch cubes)

*1/2 small pumpkin any variety; such a sweet sugar pie (peeled and diced into small 1/2-inch cubes)

*1/2 small kombucha squash (peeled and diced into small 1/2-inch cubes)

1 pound Brussel sprout cut in half

10 ounces fresh figs (quartered)

Neutral oil; such as avocado 

Salt and pepper

3/4 cup balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons maple syrup

Freshly grated vegan parmesan cheese for garnishing

1/2 cup toasted pistachios (optional)

Heat oven to 400°F 


Prepare a large sheet pan with parchment paper. Place diced butternut squash, pumpkin and Brussel sprouts (reserve the figs for the last 10 minutes of roasting). evenly on the sheet pan. Lightly drizzle with avocado oil. Season with salt and pepper. Place in the oven and roast for 15-18 minutes or until veggies are cooked through with slightly brown edges. Add the figs to the sheet pan. Once the figs are roasted, remove the sheet pan from the oven.

While the vegetables are roasting prepare the balsamic glaze. Place balsamic vinegar and maple syrup in a shallow sauce pan on medium to high heat. Allow the balsamic to come to a simmer, reducing it by half about 4 to 5 minutes. Once tiny bubbles are formed and the sauce has thickened into a glaze, remove from heat. Allow to slightly cool.

Place roasted vegetables into a serving dish. Drizzle with balsamic glaze, then garnish with freshly grated vegan parmesan and pistachios. Enjoy warm or cold. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

*Save the remaining butternut and pumpkin halves for my Thai Pumpkin Soup.

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